Fresh Insights of China: China Propulses Its Development Thanks to Its Belt and Road Initiative


by Apollinaire Niyirora

Reporter of Burundi National Radio and Television, Burundi

CHONGQING, CHINA – – Within only ten years since the launch of the Belt and Road Initative policy by Chinese President Xi Jinping, China has tremendously developed notably its socio-cultural, infrastructure, transport and trade sectors.

One of the example is Chongqing region whose fast development in the above sectors is to become the hub that will connect southern China to the rest of the world.

Chongqing’s Stunning Beauty Boosted by Environmental Consevation

Visitors or tourists whose destination is Chongqing, southwest China, are first struck by the beauty of Chongqing Jiangbei Internatioal Airport whose size is bigger than dozens of national airports on the African continent. Besides, airplanes depart and land almost all the time to international destinations. They are welcomed by a clean and green city. This testifies a good leadership of local authorities in awareness raising campaigns towards loyal local people in the preservation and protection of the environment.

Infrastructure Uniqueness

From my experience, Chongqing has the best road network I have ever seen. Instead of turns, descents and ascents that are most of the time at the origin of road accidents, Chongqing has a brand new road infrastructure promoting the tracing of tunnels. This has also the advantage, at the same time, of protecting the environment and reducing the distance. The road network is still being expanded to respond to the need of international and local transport, especially that of goods with an international destination: notably in eastern Asia, western Asia, Northern Asian, Europe, Africa and Oceania.

To avoid squandering the space, the monorailway, which is also unique worldwide, has been placed under the road network in Chongqing. The monorail trains transport passengers as well goods in and out Chongqing.

Historically described as the city of mountains and rivers, Chongqing has also developed maritime transport in its rivers. Ships also provide transport of passengers and goods.

Those ships attracks millions of tourists, bringing foreign currency to the country’s treasury.

Chongqing’s numerous skyscrapers give the city a wonderful view especially at night with their colored lights.

Chongqing’s History and Culture Inspire Foreign Visitors

Unlike other parts worldwide, Chongqing has been able to preserve its history and culture.

In Chongqing, pottery has moved from traditional manufacturing to the modern pottery with making nice ceramics that attract the attention of visitors and tourists. People who do pottery can earn their living through selling pottery objects on top of other separate activities.

A museum of weaving clothes also attracts local visitors and international tourists. Beautiful brands like traditional clothes, hats, fans, bedsheets as well as modern shirts are found and can be purchased from the museum.

Electric and Smart Cars Manufactured in Chongqing 

Chongqing’s Changan is the privileged mark manufacturing electric cars and smart cars. It is the world’s first firm to manufacture smart cars.

Changan has already started to export brand new electric and smart cars throughout the world.

The Chinese Huawei telecom company has been associated in providing its high technology in manufacturing those smart cars, according to the Changan management.

Chongqing Leads in Biomedical Technology 

Chongqing’s Haifu biomedical research center is the leader of tslemedicine in the world.

The biomedical institute has invented the ultrasound technology, making it possible to carry out home operations with the assistance of Chinese doctors at the biomedical research center.

Many persons in several countries throughout the world have testified that the Chinese ultrasound technology has brought their life after they were operated tumors with the ultrasound technology that uses 4G or 5G.

Hub for International Trade

Chongqing is a hub for international trade. It is a meeting point for goods before they are transported to various directions worldwide via various transport ways, either by road or by sea, or else by rail.

To continue boosting socio-cultural, infrastructure, technology, transport and trade sectors, Chongqing authorities and Chinese authorities are open to exchanges with the world in a win-win partnership.

*The views and opinions expressed in the articles are solely those of the individual authors and do not reflect the position of the Secretariat of the Belt and Road Journalist Network.