Chongqing: Quintessence of the Chinese Prodigy and Wonderful  Spirit


by Ashok Taluck Beeharry

Chairperson of Media Trust, Mauritius

Our one-week stay in Chongqing in the last week of August 2024, after a very long trip involving 3 flights and 4 airports, together with a large cluster of journalists from  all over the whole world left us with this recurring impression – and this remained imprinted in our mind wherever we went during our visits to its beautiful sites, places, landmarks and attractions: the city is indeed the epitome of the Chinese genius,. abilities, capacities capabilities, wisdom and  acumen at all levels and in all walks of life. But the remarkable success portrayed by the city of Chongqing is certainly attributable to many valuable reasons which underlie the choices, options, approaches, strategies and matrices regarding socioeconomic progress, political and ideological beliefs and achievements, sociocultural wellbeing and human consciousness, the converging keys to fully integrated as well  coherent and  harmonious development, growth and expansion.

The programme of visit of the big contingent of journalists was carefully prepared, planned and delivered with great professionalism and much attention to the minutest detail. The plan was executed to the satisfaction of the whole delegation. There was an excellent blend of business, industrial, technological cultural and traditional components that helped tremendously the foreign media people to grasp and understand the different aspects, facets and perspectives of development and expansion happening in mainland China, its urban and areas which have the recent been literally transformed. There is a vast far-reaching readjustment programme methodically and meticulously packaged to upgrade, renew, upskill and upscale. The fallouts can be  seen on the population prosperous if not luxurious living. Ther are not only high hopes and concrete and tangible results, being the fruits of huge investments, rigorous planning and  constant follow-ups.

The secret could not be otherwise explained than by the ever strong and unflinching will to put human being at the centre of all ambitions, objectives projects, programmes, initiatives, research works and innovations. There is the unfailing determination to strike a proper balance between the imperatives of  economic, infrastructural, scientific, agro-industrial, transport networks, public service and technological advancement  on one hand and the need, on the other, to preserve, promote and further enrich culture, traditions, heritage and arts as well as protect, defend and sustain, nature, habitats, ecology, environment and ecosystems. There is concordance  between urbanization and  modernization and traditions, customs and beliefs. This is reflected in the depiction of Chongqing as being the land of mountains, rivers, valleys and vegetation  and at the same time a hub for the state of arts digital revolution and connectedness.

This is indeed the hallmark of a great civilization, of a great nation and of a great country.

We have been able to witness and appreciate n situ and with our own eyes this common inspirational thread running in the conception and  concretization  of all ideas, conceptualization and toughts, during our press trip and visits to the best that Chongqing can offer and in the deliberations/discussions during Belt and Journalists Forum.

Thus, we have seen how China is an bold country, thinking big, bold and out of box,  always innovating and undergoing a fast transformational process, yet never losing the heart and spirit of its people considered and va.lued as its primary assets. Chongqing has recorded impressive accomplishments and realisations, a real success story, because its leaders, decision-makers, workers and citizens have worked together and leveraged on the values and rewards of unity, solidarity, cooperation, concertation and understanding. Very few countries and people in the world can boast themselves of such feats. Chongqing emerges as a model of excellence and refinement for humanity and showcases the Chinese virtuosity and brilliance  in whatever it undertakes, the more so when this is supported, guided, driven, geared  and followed closely by the highest political leaders and authorities. China  has been able to create, develop and exploit the resources and inputs it needs to fulfill and bring to fruition its well-thought, coordinated and planned  policies and strategies. It has given to and equipped its people with the means, facilities amenities and provisions they require and commensurate with its legitimate aspirations, targets and goals.

The sky is the limit and China is surely skyrocketing in many arenas.

The decision of China to open up in every sense has no doubt been instrumental and pivotal in increasing its prosperity, wealth and the happiness of its people. Opening up geographically, economically, financial, industrially and culturally, encouraging and fostering, diversity, plurality and multiplicity. The one into many and the many into one…what a splendid aphorism! Opening up while keeping the essence of their millennial historical invaluable richness of which all Chinese of all age groupe  are always proud, cherish and treasure.

We have had the unique opportunity to enjoy and benefit from the Chinese hospitality, warmth, kindness and generosity. There is always a desire to please, and assist, even if that requires going off the beaten tracks We sincerely believe that this is a core ingredient in the  recipe to success. A country cannot succeed if its people are not welcoming and openhearted. China has well understood this philosophy turned into living principles.

We look forward for a next visit where more discoveries of the splendor of China would be unfolded to us. In the meantime, we carry with us the wonderful memories of our visit here and we will share everything with the people of our country, instilling in them a desire and come, experience and enjoy!

Thank you Chongqing

Thank you ACJA

Thank you China.

*The views and opinions expressed in the articles are solely those of the individual authors and do not reflect the position of the Secretariat of the Belt and Road Journalist Network.