Independent Union of journalists in the Kyrgyz Republic(IUJKR)


The IUJKR was established on October 31, 2016 by an initiative group of journalists, following the results of many meetings. The organization is a legal entity and is registered with the Ministry of Justice of Kyrgyzstan. It is a non-political, non-profit organization, uniting more than 300 journalists of the republic.

The IUJKR has a board consisting of a chairman and two of his deputies. There is also a meeting of the founders of the IUJKR. But global issues are solved at the congress of members of the union.

The union was created for the following purposes:

– Promoting the process of democratization of the society by promoting the dissemination by the media of ideas of tolerance, respect for human rights and freedoms:

– Promotion of professional creative activity of journalists of Kyrgyzstan;

– Assistance in strengthening guarantees and freedoms of access to information;

– Formation of a culture of honest and free journalism, based on the generally accepted principles of professional behavior and ethics of a journalist;