FAPERMEX is a federation of 79 associations of journalists and media workers across Mexico, with over 20,000 members. Its prominent member organizations include the Club Primera Plana and the Mexican National Association of Broadcasters.
FAPERMEX has Assembly, Council and Supervision, Honor and Justice Committee.
FAPERMEX annually holds a National Assembly and two Council meetings. During the National Assembly, FAPERMEX presents Mexican Journalism Awards to 25 prestigious journalists working in various media across the country.
FAPERMEX’s member associations and journalists are all committed to sharing reports on news, regions and figures in fields of politics, culture, society and nature of their host states through the FAPERMEX portal, social networks, magazines and Internet-based media.
FAPERMEX joins hands with the Secretariat of Public Education to review the procedures of awarding journalism degree. In Mexico, around 1,000 journalists have obtained the titles and certificates of journalists through this procedure.
In addition, FAPERMEX also engages in the legislative agenda of the Federal Parliament.
FAPERMEX is currently organizing the Mexican National Society of Journalists, which will serve as a de facto academic group of professional journalists.