Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU)


The Sudanese Journalists’ Union (SJU) was first formed in 1946, thus, considered the  oldest  journalists union in Africa and The Arab world. The Sudanese press law of 1930, had been a manatee for Journalism in  the whole region at that time. SJU has permanent presence and effective participation in different regional and international forums and conferences.

SJU has 7000 registered members, besides columns’ writers, academics and university teachers. The General Council of the Union is elected by General Conference of the registered members, held every five years. The Conference elected three officers and 37 other members for the General Council of the Union. The three officers are the president of the Union, the Secretary General and the treasurer. The General Conference also chooses five members for the Press and Print Council, which is composed of five plus the three officers. The union General council composed of 40 members with 7 secretariats. Its headquarter is located in Khartoum, Mogran area which is considered one of the most attractive touristic areas in the capital Khartoum .

The main activities of SJU is capacity-building for journalists,  protection and promotion of press freedom, securing health insurance for journalists and their families in addition of income-increasing projects and help in providing housing for journalists  with convenient  installments in collaboration with government concerned organs.